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View results

Whenever COMPS is run, the resulting forecasts are writen to files in results/<runName>/. COMPS can write the forecasts in many formats, each of which is stored in a separate folder. For example, the tutorial run has been set up to output all forecasts into NetCDF files (stored in results/tutorial/netcdf/) and verification files (stored in results/tutorial/verif/).

COMPS produces one NetCDF file for each initialization date, configuration, and variable (in this case temperature). A directory listing of results/tutorial/netcdf/ should give something like:

20120101_0_T_clim.nc         20120107_0_T_clim.nc         20120113_0_T_clim.nc       
20120101_0_T_kf.nc           20120107_0_T_kf.nc           20120113_0_T_kf.nc         
20120101_0_T_persistence.nc  20120107_0_T_persistence.nc  20120113_0_T_persistence.nc
20120101_0_T_raw.nc          20120107_0_T_raw.nc          20120113_0_T_raw.nc        
20120102_0_T_clim.nc         20120108_0_T_clim.nc         20120114_0_T_clim.nc       
20120102_0_T_kf.nc           20120108_0_T_kf.nc           20120114_0_T_kf.nc         

The filename has the format: <initDate>_<initHour>_<variable>_<configuration>.nc

Plotting with meteo

COMPS has a tool called meteo that draws meteograms of forecasts. It works on any files that are in the NetCDF format (i.e any file in results/tutorial/netcdf/). The tool is found in the graphics/ directory.

To show a meteogram for the Kalman Filter forecast for the forecast initialized on 2012/01/01, run the following command in the top COMPS directory.

graphics/meteo results/tutorial/netcdf/20120101_0_T_kf.nc
The tool shows:
  • The forecast distribution over time
  • The observations
  • The ensemble members
  • The deterministic forecast

Here are sample forecasts for each of the 4 types of forecast. Note that your forecasts may look slightly different, because this synthetic dataset uses random numbers when creating forecasts and observations.
Raw forecast:
Kalman filtered forecast:
Climatology forecast:
Persistence forecast:

To see a list of command-line options that meteo supports, run meteo without any arguments.

Inspecting with ncdump

To see the raw values in the forecasts use the ncdump tool, which should be available if after installing NetCDF.
ncdump results/tutorial/netcdf/20120101_0_T_kf.nc | less