
Under construction

Your own files

As the namelists are often updated between each release of COMPS, we recommend placing custom declarations in a separate folder. The standard declarations that come shipped with the software are located in ./namelists/default/.

As an example, we will create the folder ./namelists/custom/. This folder can contain the same files as you find in ./namelists/default/ (except for variables.nl). To refer to lines in these files, the folder name followed by a period is added in front of the names.

For example, if a downscaler called "nearest" is defined in ./namelists/custom/schemes.nl, it can be refered in any configurations.nl as custom.nearest. The same applies to configurations, variable-configurations, and runs defined in this folder.

The option selector=clim refers to the clim line in ./namelists/default/schemes.nl. On the other hand, selector=custom.clim refers to the clim line in ./namelists/custom/schemes.nl. This is true for all other references, such as for configurations and variable/configurations.

Currently, the variables file is not customizable, but this will change in the future. When running comps.exe you can reference your own runs in the same way, for example ./comps.exe 20120101 custom.myrun. It is fine to mix schemes from the default folder and your own folder, i.e. the following is totally fine: selector=clim correctors=custom.mycorrector.
clim selector=sClim downscaler=custom.dNearest continuous=custom.bpe