
Under construction


The runs.nl file specifies which variable/configurations to produce forecasts for and sets several other run-related parameters.
outputsstd::string[] What output schemes should the forecasts we written to?
debug How much debug and status messages should be shown? 0 very little, 1000 all. Default to 50 (a reasonable amount).
inputsstd::string[] Which input datasets should be loaded?
locationsstd::string[] Which locations should forecasts be produced for? Give a list of datasets. If no list given the locations from the observation dataset will be used.
locationIdsint[] Only produce forecasts for these location ids
latRangefloat[] Only produce forecasts for locations within this range of latitudes: southLat,northLat
lonRangefloat[] Only produce forecasts for locations within this range of longitudes: southLon,northLon
offsetsfloat[] Produce forecasts for these offsets. If unspecified, use the offsets from the 'offsetTag' dataset or if that is unspecified, use the offsets from the forecast input dataset.
offsetTagstd::string Produce forecasts for the same offsets that the 'offsetTag' input dataset has.
parameterIostd::string Which schemes should be used to store parameters?
varconfsstd::string[] Which variable-configurations should be run?
Required: will not run without these


As an example, consider the following configuration declaration:
tutorial inputs=sineFcst,sineObs varconfs=tutorial outputs=netcdf,verif parameterIo=parNetcdf

Here the tutorial run is defined to use the sineFcst and sineObs input schemes (from schemes.nl) and produces forecasts for the variable and configuration defined by tutorial in varconfs.nl. If we wanted to produce several variable/configurations, then we would append further varconfs to this attribute. COMPS will produce outputs according to the netcdf and verif output schemes (also defined in schemes.nl).