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Running COMPS

The COMPS program is executed as follows:

./comps.exe <date> <runName>
This creates forecasts for a specific date (in YYYYMMDD format). In an operational setting, <date> would be today's date. <date> therefore represents the forecasts initialization date and not necessarily the date the forecasts are valid for. <runName> is the name of a run, which specifies what datasets are used to produce the forecasts, for which locations, and which post-processing schemes to use. You will learn how to specify your own runs in tutorial (2).

A tutorial run has been set up, which can be run as follows:

./comps.exe 20120101 20120301 tutorial
Note that here two dates are specified, which is a quick way to tell COMPS to produce forecast on all dates between 2012/01/01 and 2012/03/01, inclusive.

The tutorial run creates forecasts for 4 configurations:

RawRaw forecasts from an NWP model
Kalman filterRaw forecasts with Kalman Filter bias-correction
ClimatologyUses any observation that is within +/- 15 days of forecast date
PersistenceUses yesterday's observation for the same time of day
Forecasts and observations are created from a synthetic dataset, which simulates temperature with a diurnal and annual signal.