
Under construction


COMPS has the ability to verify the forecasts that it makes. The OutputVerif scheme stores verification statistics in special NetCDF files. Each time COMPS is run, new verification information is appended to the file.

To enable verification, make sure the outputs attribute in your run has the scheme verif (for example outputs=netcdf,verif). If this is done, the verification files will show up in results/<runName>/verif/. There is one file for each configuration.

The metrics=... attribute in variable/configuration specified which verification metrics are computed. For most verification purposes it is enough to have metrics=obs,fcst,mae,pit.

Verification is done by invoking the verif located in graphics/ on the files in results/<runName>/verif/. It is used as follows (assumes that the graphics/ folder is added to your path):

verif <files> -m <metric>
where <files> are one or more NetCDF verification files and <metric> is one of the many verification metrics available (see the examples page for a list)

Running verif will open a window showing a graph with verification results, as shown on the right.

Command-line options

Saving as file

Use the -f <filename> option. File extensions emf, eps, pdf, png, ps, raw, rgba, svg, and svgz are supported.

Use -fs <width><height> to specify the size of the exported image (in inches).

Anomaly statistics

Verification is often used to show improvements against some baseline. The baseline is often chosen to be the best forecast you can make without using a weather model. Typically this is a climatology or persistence forecast.

When you check the ability of your system to forecast a certain event, you often get good scores because for the most part the threshold for the event is way above or below the current weather. We are therefore more intersted in determining how the system is able to forecast anomalies. A climatology forecast has no ability to forecast anomalies.

You can use -c <file> to compute anomalies. <file> is any COMPS verification NetCDF file.

Note that anomaly statistics is most useful for variables, such as temperature, that have strong seasonal, diurnal, or spatial variability.


By default, scores are computed for all stations, offsets, and dates available. When multiple files are used, only those locations, offsets, and dates that all files have are used.


Option Description
-l <locations> Only compute scores for these location indices. E.g. -l 0:5
-o <offsets> Only compute scores for these offsets. E.g. -o 0:4,24:28
-d <start-date>,<end-date> Only compute scores for dates within this range (inclusive). E.g. -o 0:4,24:28

Specifying the x-axis

By default, the scores are shown with the forecast horizon (offset) on the x-axis. This means that scores are computed independently for each offset. For many scores, the scores can be computed separately for each date and location and displayed that way.

Option Description
-x offset Plot the offset along the x-axis. This is the default.
-x date Plot the date along the x-axis.
-x threshold For metrics with thresholds (e.g. ETS), plot the threshold along the x-axis.
-x location Plot the station in order on the x-axis.
-x locationId Plot the station's id on the x-axis.
-x locationElev Plot the station's elevation on the x-axis.
-x locationLat Plot the station's latitude on the x-axis.
-x locationLon Plot the station's longitude on the x-axis.